Wednesday 1st March 2006Weather: Cold and cloudy with sunney spells. Snow showers late afternoon.
Daytime Temperatures: Maximum +7.4. Minimum -0.9c
In Flower: See entry for 27/02/06
Observations: A day of all weathers. We had Sun, rain, wind, snow and even hail! Still there appears to be an end in sight, as the forecast is to get milder next week.
Thursday 2nd MarchWeather: Sunny and clear, but cold.
Daytime temperatures: Maximum +7.9c . Minimum +3.2c
In Flower: See Entry 27/02/06
Observations: Still cold, but sunshine today made it feel a lot better to be outside.
Friday 3rd March 2006Weather: Sunny and dry, but still cold.Daytime Temperatures: Maximum: 8.4c . Minimum: 3.5c .
In Flower: See entry 27/02/06
Observations: Still cold but not unpleasant to be out in. Hopefully not many more days until it gets a bit warmer!